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Select Board Meeting Minutes 11/13/13
Monterey Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 11/13/13

Meeting Opened at: 4pm
Select Board Members Present: Muriel Lazzarini, Chairperson, Wayne Burkhart and Scott Jenssen
Also in attendance for parts of the meeting:  Susan Gallant for the Monterey News, Brendan Fletcher, Don Clawson, Stanley Ross, Daniel Moriarity and Michael Johnson

Miscellaneous Select Board Items Reviewed:
1.  The Board discussed the articles for the special town meeting warrant:
a.  The first article will be the Genovesi easement needed for the RT 23 project.
b.  The second article will be the amendment/rewrite to the firemen tax abatement.  The Board agreed to put only the amended text on the warrant and the Board can give an oral explanation at town meeting about why this is being done.
c.  Retiree health insurance bylaw rewrite: The Board is going to hold off on putting this on this warrant and will have Town Counsel advise us on how to legally amend this to read properly for the annual town meeting.
d.  The 3rd article will be to transfer $2,800 from the reserve fund to the Council on Aging account to correct an error that was made previously.
e.  The 4th article will be the $5,000 to be appropriated for the Community Septic Loan.  Don Clawson wasn’t sure if this was going to be necessary, he’s trying to get a hold of Jim Podolak from the state.  The Finance Committee was under the impression that when we terminated the program that we were going to pay off the loan so that this article was no longer necessary.  There was a lot of discussion on how we should proceed with the loan balance.
f.  The next thing on the warrant may be the library grant; we will know after their meeting on Saturday.
g.  If the Town Clerk decides to make changes to the dog fees this article will be next followed by the Planning Board articles.
2.  Brendan, the Town Accountant stated that he and Bethany are working together on reconciling FY13’s books; there is a discrepancy they are trying to locate.
3.  The Board and Brendan thanked M. Noe for all the work she did helping to organize the files in the Accountant’s office.  Muriel stated that Maryellen Brown suggested that Brendan should meet with the Select Board by about the 20th of each month to be sure that the Treasurer has submitted everything to him that they need to reconcile for the month.  She also stated that the Treasurer should be submitting a monthly report to the Select Board as well.
4.  Michael Johnson was asked to come in to discuss the ceremony on Monday to recognize the heroic deed that Mike Ordyna performed over the summer.  He provided an overview of the event details.
5.  Michael Johnson asked the Board to sign the COA grant paperwork for this year.
6.  Monterey Community School Survey: The Board worked on the questions which will be distributed through survey monkey as well as through paper copies for those that do not have access to the internet.  Scott is working on an introductory paragraph about the school and why the survey is being distributed. The survey will run through the middle of January.
7.  The minutes from 11.8.13 were approved as written.
8.  Muriel ran into Julio Rodriguez of the Parks Commission after the Veteran’s Day service and he informed her that the property located behind the firehouse is off the table as a possible location for a dog park and that they are reviewing other town owned properties.
9.  Muriel inquired of the other Board members about how long we should wait to get the town’s documents from Linda Thorpe returned to Town Hall.  The Board is going to send another letter with a specific deadline to have the documents and computer files returned.
10.  Mail was reviewed which included:
a.  A senior citizen luncheon invite at the Senior Center in Sheffield with the students of Mt Everett on Thursday, December 5th.
b.  BRPC technical grant for FY14: Wayne stated he looked it over and it seems pretty restrictive.
11.  Muriel updated the Board that the Monterey Water Company issue has been solved.
12.  Muriel asked that one of the items on the Select Board’s agenda under the ECAC items be removed and sent back to the ECAC to discuss and make recommendations on.
13.  Warrants were signed.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 5:27pm

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Executive Secretary
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

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Select Board Members
Minutes Book